Untitled Document
UK Aviation Museum Events 2025


A guide to aviation museum events in the UK, for the quiet moments between airshows. Use the Jump Menu below to go straight to the month required.

2026 Museum Events (none at this time)

Museums: If you would like your special events listed on this page please email webmaster@airscene.co.uk


Jump Menu
January February March
April May June
July August September
October November December

Note that links may no longer work if the event is in the past.

 12th Sywell Aviation Museum
The Night Witches (Talk)

17th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

19th Shuttleworth House
Wedding Show

31st Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

 9th Sywell Aviation Museum
The Air Tanker War (Talk)

14th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

15th - 23rd RAF Museum Midlands

15th Shuttleworth House
Murder at the Mansion

16th Shuttleworth Collection
Scale Model Exhibition

22nd - 23rd Shuttleworth Collection
Engineering Open Workshop

22nd - 23rd Shuttleworth House
Open House & Tours

28th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

7th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

 9th Sywell Aviation Museum
Flying & Displaying Vintage Piston Aircraft (Talk)

14th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

 15th Newark Air Museum
Day-Night Photoshoot

28th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Aircraft Exterior Tours

30th Shuttleworth House
Mother's Day Market

 12th Newark Air Museum
Outdoor Aeroboot / Aerojumble

12th - 27th RAF Museum Midlands
Pilot Training

 17th - 21st East Midlands Aeropark
Extended Easter Weekend Opening

 19th Sywell Aviation Museum
Grand Opening

20th RAF Bircham Newton Heritage Centre
Grand Opening

20th - 21st Shuttleworth Collection
Easter Bunny Flies In & Egg Hunt

20th - 21st Shuttleworth House
Open House & Tours

10th - 11th RAF Museum Midlands
VE Day

 11th East Midlands Aeropark
Speedbroker Super Cars

 22nd East Midlands Aeropark
Late Evening Opening

24th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Lanc, Tank & Military Machines

24th - 1st June RAF Museum Midlands
World War Two Week

26th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Lanc, Tank & Military Machines

24th May - 1st RAF Museum Midlands
World War Two Week

 6th East Midlands Aeropark
Aston Martin Enthusiasts

11th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Bike Night & Lancaster Taxi Run

15th Shuttleworth Collection
Father’s Day Spitfire Sit In

21st - 22nd Newark Air Museum
Cockpit-Fest & Outdoor Aeroboot / Aerojumble

6th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
57 & 630 Squadron Reunion

12th Army Flying Museum
Wallop Wings & Wheels

12th - 13th Avro Heritage Museum
Wings & Wheels Air Fair

12th - 13th Shuttleworth House
Summer Fete

19th - 31st Aug RAF Museum Midlands
Summer of Fun and Flight

 31st East Midlands Aeropark
Late Evening Opening

10th Shuttleworth Parkland
NSRA Hot Rod Supernationals

16th Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Bike Night & Lancaster Taxi Run

 21st East Midlands Aeropark
Late Evening Opening

19th Jul - 31st RAF Museum Midlands
Summer of Fun and Flight

6th - 7th Avro Heritage Museum
1940's Weekend

12th - 15th Shuttleworth Parkland
Bedfordshire Steam & Country Fayre

 18th East Midlands Aeropark
Late Evening Opening

20th - 21st RAF Museum Midlands
Battle of Britain Weekend

25th - 2nd Nov RAF Museum Midlands
Jet and Space Week

1st Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre
Fireworks & Lancaster Taxi Run

25th Oct - 2nd RAF Museum Midlands
Jet and Space Week

9th RAF Bircham Newton Heritage Centre
Open Day (Remembrance Sunday)

9th RAF Museum Midlands
Remembrance Service

13th - 14th RAF Museum Midlands
ELF Training

20th - 21st RAF Museum Midlands
ELF Training