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Airscene Awards 2016

Airscene is now accepting nominations for the Airscene Awards 2016
You are allowed 1 vote in each of the 5 categories listed. Votes for category 5 (Best Aviation Museum) will be accepted at any time, but for all other categories votes will be disregarded if received before the display has taken place. It is not necessary to send all your nominations at the same time.

Nominations must include your name and address (or Mailing List ID) to be valid.

You will receive a single email confirming receipt of your nominations - your details will be deleted once the votes have been counted in accordance with current data protection legislation.

*Note that staff and their families (of any organisation which may receive nominations in the Airscene Awards) are not permitted to take part.

Send your votes to awards@airscene.co.uk
Closing date for votes is 30th November and results will be announced in December.
1) Best Airshow (Does not include FREE Airshows)
2) Best Free Airshow
3) Best Display Team
4) Best Solo Display
5) Best Aviation Museum


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